
DaddyPlace has a simple mission: Help Dads all over the world to be a Great/Better Father or Father Figure.

We provide Fathering Tips and Parenting Resources that will hopefully encourage and motivate thousands of fathers to make their kids’ dreams come true by:

  • getting involved in their lives
  • spending quality time with them
  • being a positive role model
  • accepting them for who they are
  • loving them unconditionally
  • having lots of fun together
  • being their superhero
  • keeping promises
  • more
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  • & just being their dad (which is all they want!)

DaddyPlace is a parenting blog & community where dads can come and Learn to Be a Better Father.

Girls need to have the first man they love be a true knight who shines in everyway & Boys need to have their personal superhero show up caped and ready to wow.

Our Big, Hairy, Audacious, Goal is to touch the lives of millions of children by bringing their dad home to them. Literally and figuratively.