Papa Don’t Preach

Dads can learn a lot from the lyrics of Madonna’s song ‘Papa Don’t Preach’. If you’ve been emotionally distant or have an estranged relationship and want to reconnect, start by getting to know what tween, teen and adult aged daughters need from you. Unlike the hurt shared by numerous female artists in their songs, this … Read more

How to Start a Successful Parenting Blog

Starting a mom or dad blog is actually quite easy. It may appear complicated, especially if you’re not familiar with websites or aren’t very active online. But don’t worry, the technical part (which is probably the stumbling block for most people) is relatively simple. You can be up and running very quickly. The basic website … Read more

15 Good Reasons to Start a Mom or Dad Blog

As the inaugural post, I thought it would be appropriate to highlight the objectives of so that readers know what to expect, while clarifying the site’s purpose at the same time. It is common for blogs to start off with lofty aspirations, only to fizzle out when the novelty wears off. To avoid this, … Read more